Incubator / THFLG

The Egg at the Royal Bath Theater / UK

kATE cROSS / uk

The Incubator is the egg’s idea development programme. It has one function – putting brilliant plays in front of audiences.

Our aim is to deepen the quality of art that is available for young people, and to inspire our theatre makers to think about children and their place in our society differently. We hope we do this by giving artists space, time and support to think and conceive.
We don’t look for emerging or established artists in particular. We are passionate about good, new, original ideas. Therefore, we’re drawn to voices that are unheard, stories that are untold, people who are not represented. We need new people, telling new stories, in new ways.
Our artist support is tailored to meet the requirements of the idea we are developing. We hold artists by giving them the space, time, money and resources – to develop their idea.

THANK HEAVEN FOR LITTLE GRRRLS is a dance theatre performance for a cast of girls aged 8-12 years. They build a construction with power tools, live and in real time, in a metaphor for an imagined future. THFLG was created out of a desire to carve out a space for young girls. Inspired by the devastating statistics that girls fall out of love with STEM subjects from the age of 11 onwards, and the Junkyard/Adventure Playground Movement, THFLG challenges how we see girls, and ask questions about risk and childhood. Between April 2019 and September 2019, we spent our time devising, dancing, and making slime.


Incubator Showcase- The egg 2019.


The encounter will be recorded and shared on our website.